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What to do when you find a rat in your home

A scurrying shadow, droppings in the pantry – discovering a rat in your home can be unsettling. While their presence might trigger an immediate urge to grab the nearest shoe, there are calmer, more effective steps you can take. Here at Pegasus Pest Solutions, we understand the importance of addressing a rodent problem swiftly and safely.

rat removal portsmouth

Found a rat in your home?

Here's what to do next:

1. Identify and Assess

First things first – take a deep breath! Before launching into full-on attack mode, try to get a good look at the rat (from a safe distance, of course). Is it a lone visitor, or a sign of a larger infestation? Look for signs of nesting materials, droppings, or gnaw marks on food containers or furniture. This information will help determine the severity of the problem.

2. Seal Up Your Fortress

Rats are surprisingly adept at squeezing through tiny openings. Once you've confirmed a rodent visitor, it's crucial to seal potential entry points. This includes inspecting areas around pipes, vents, beneath doors, and along the foundation. Use caulk, steel wool, or mesh to close up any gaps larger than a quarter-inch. Don't forget to check for pet doors or damaged weather stripping!

3. Eliminate Food Sources

Like any unwelcome guest, rats are drawn to a readily available food supply. Store food in airtight containers, clear crumbs from countertops, and dispose of garbage regularly. Compost piles and overflowing trash cans outside can also attract unwanted attention.

4. Traps or Humane Removal

There are two main options for removing the rat(s) from your home: traps or humane removal services. Snap traps can be effective for single invaders, but be sure to place them strategically along walls, where rats typically travel. For larger infestations, or if you're uncomfortable with traps, consider calling a professional pest control service like Pegasus Pest Solutions.

Pegasus Pest Solutions: Your Portsmouth Rodent Removal Experts

While DIY methods can sometimes work for a single rat, professional intervention is often the most effective solution, especially for larger infestations. Our trained technicians at Pegasus Pest Solutions can:

  • Safely and humanely remove existing rats.
  • Identify and seal entry points to prevent future invasions.
  • Recommend preventative measures to keep your home rodent-free.

Don't let a rat infestation disrupt your peace of mind. Contact Pegasus Pest Solutions today for a free quote and effective rodent removal in Portsmouth!