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Bird Proofing for Solar Panels

Professional Bird Proofing Services

Solar energy is a fantastic resource that offers our homes and businesses sustainable, clean energy. However, as the number of solar panel installations has increased, a new problem has arisen: birds nesting beneath and around solar panels, which results in damage and lowers energy efficiency. At Pegasus Pest Solutions, we offer expert bird proofing services throughout Portsmouth, Fareham, Gosport, Petersfield and the surrounding areas. 

If you would like to book a bird proofing service with us, simply call us on 07501702101 or 02393092101.

Bird Proofing for Solar Panels: Ensuring Uninterrupted Efficiency

Birds building nests below solar panels can cause a variety of issues, including decreased energy output and significant fire risks. It's essential to put appropriate bird proofing measures into place if you want to make sure that your solar panels continue to generate energy efficiently. You can protect your investment and increase the effectiveness and longevity of your solar panels by keeping birds away from them.

What Makes Bird Proofing Important?

Birds frequently look for refuge and nesting places in the cracks under solar panels. Unfortunately, having them around can result in a number of problems.

Lowers effectiveness

Sunlight can be blocked from reaching solar panels by birds and their nests, reducing their effectiveness and electricity output.


Birds may nest inside the panels or scratch, peck, or destroy them physically, necessitating potentially expensive repairs.

Safety Risks

Bird droppings and nesting materials might assemble and pose a fire danger or electrical risks.

Methods for Bird Proofing That Work

There are a variety of bird proofing techniques available to protect your solar panels and keep them functioning properly. These techniques respect both people and the environment:

Mesh Wire Installation

Birds are prevented from entering the area beneath solar panels by mesh wire barriers that are installed around their perimeter.

Deterrents or Spikes

Birds are discouraged from landing on or building nests near solar panel edges by the addition of spikes or other deterrents.


Birds can be effectively kept out of the space beneath panels by covering them with netting.

Visual Deterrents

Birds can be scared away by visual deterrents such as reflective tape, predator-shaped decoys, or moving objects.

Sound Devices

Birds can be discouraged from building nests by ultrasonic devices that produce predator or distress calls.

Book a Bird Proofing Services

If you are in need of bird proofing services in Portsmouth, Fareham, Gosport, Petersfield and the surrounding areas, get in touch with us on 07501702101 or 02393092101 and we'll be happy to help. 

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